Greater Columbia Obedience Club, Inc.
AKC Rally
Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Excellent, Master and Choice
Please read before completing registration form
The do and don't of what an exhibitor can enter in a Rally Trial can be confusing. Especially when you see the form offers the option to enter more than one class a day. Since we are having One trial on Saturday and One on Sunday each day is considered to be a separate trial. Your dog CANNOT be entered in the same class more than once in a trial.
Example: Often we see exhibitors entering Saturday 1st Class Novice, then Saturday 2nd class Novice. That is not an allowable entry. The option to enter a 2nd or 3rd class is if you plan to enter different classes such as Rally Advanced B and Rally Excellent B (working on your RAE) or Rally Advanced B, Rally Excellent B and Masters (working on your RACH). You can enter Advanced B and/or Excellent B indefinitely as long as you meet the requirements
Since AKC's newest Rally Choice can be entered by any dog no matter what level the dog is currently in, you can enter it as a second class. Just beware it is the same as the Master Course without jumps.
They also cannot be entered in the A and B Rally Novice, Rally Advanced or Rally Excellent on the same day. There is a tip sheet at the bottom of this page you can use to determine if you should enter class
There is no charge for online payment. If you choose to pay by check please complete online application then send check made out to GCOC to the Trial Secretary. Note: There is an additional charge of $1 for mailed registrations.
Tim Setterlund
332 Whiskery Ln
Irmo, SC 29063-9590
Click below for Premium. Read the AKC Agreement and Certification of the right to show dog at an AKC trial. You will be required to type your name on at the end of the dog's registration information which will act as your signature stating you have read and agree to the information on page 4 of the premium.
Tip sheet on entering Rally A or B classes.pdf
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