Greater Columbia Obedience Club, Inc.
Registration Open June 1 On June 22nd from 9a - 1p there will be testing for: Canine Good Citizen (CGC) by Lindsay Waddell and Lee Cato CGC Advanced (CGCA) by Lindsay Waddell and Lee Cato All levels of Ticks by Brandy Dunaway and Wanda Austin The CGC and CGCA are $10 each test If you are testing for the CGC and/or CGCA, then Tricks testing is free. If you are only doing Tricks testing, it is $10.
According to AKC, “Canine Good Citizen" is a 10-skill test that teaches good manners to dogs and responsible dog ownership to their owners. CGC is open to all dogs–purebred and mixed breed. There are no age minimums or limits for participating in the Canine Good Citizen program, because yes, you can always teach an old dog new tricks!” Canine Good Citizen Test Items
Test 1 : Accepting a friendly stranger
Test 2 : Sitting politely for petting
Test 3 : Appearance and grooming
Test 4: Out for a walk (walking on a loose lead)
Test 5: Walking through a crowd
Test 6: Sit and down on cue and stay in place
Test 7: Coming when called
Test 8: Reaction to another dog
Test 9: Reaction to distraction
Test 10: Supervised separation
AKC's Community Canine Test
AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of AKC’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program.
As with CGC, AKC Community Canine has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Community Canine title. This is a title that appears on the dog’s title record at AKC.
For more information see the link below:
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