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Greater Columbia Obedience Club, Inc.

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How to Make Ornaments from Your Dog Show Ribbons

  • 05 Jun 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • GCOC Training Facility 947 S. Stadium Rd.
  • 1


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Make Your Own Ornament from Your Dog Show Ribbons or Other Fabric

Materials needed to make the Dog Show Ribbon ornament: I got all my materials from Amazon. Ribbon was found at Hobby Lobby and Michaels.

1. a coffee cup stuffed firmly with plastic grocery bags. This will help steady the ball as you work on it.

2. a 3" smooth foam ball. You can get one from me at the workshop for a dollar, I will have them with me, please bring correct change. Or you can go to Michaels and buy them in a 6 pack. Do NOT get the type that shreds easily like the ones you used for crafts in elementary school!!

3. satin dressmaker straight pins- about 300

4.  Ribbon/fabric-  The star in the middle is 10 rectangles measuring 1 and a half inches by 3 inches. This is the width of your dog show ribbon cut 3 inches long. If you use fabric you need to cut the rectangles 2 inches wide and 3 inches long. The next layer takes 16 rectangles in a different color than the star. The third layer takes 16 rectangles in a third color. You will need a band in the third color to go around the ball to finish it. This band is 11 inches long. If you use fabric it will be 11 inches long and 2 and a half inches wide in the third color. If you use ribbon that is not dog show ribbon- get Grosgrain type ribbon. DO NOT get the satin ribbon! The pins will tear it and leave holes. It is difficult to work with- very flimsy. Get a ribbon that is at least half and inch to 5/8 wide.

5. Ribbon for the bow and hanger- I like to use 2 different colors to make 2 ribbons. The ribbon should be no wider than half an inch. You can use various widths depending on the look you want. Bows are ribbon pieces 24 inches long and the hanger is 9 inches long. 

6. Decorative pearl pins for accent and to hold the band and ribbons in place. I found these at hobby lobby- if you only want to use one, I am going to bring some to the workshop for folks to use.

7. thimble

8. scissors

9. pen

10. flexible tape measure

Taught by Diane Farrar-Sanderson

Assistant Brandy Dunawy

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Greater Columbia Obedience Club, Inc.

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